African American Youth In The 1950's

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After World War Two the United States of America finally seemed to prosper after the Great Depression. The 1950s became the capitalist golden age. Society was classless; there were growing numbers of white-collar jobs, high wages for blue-collar workers, and few labor strikes. Everything seemed to be great, however the growth of the affluent society put many problems in the dark. African Americans were still unequal to whites; twenty percent of the nation had been in poverty, and the defeat of Nazism and imperialism brought on a new enemy to freedom: Communism. It was apparent on both sides of the party line that politics needed to change. The democrats were exposed to the new left and the new liberalism and the republicans were faced with the new right. As well as political shifts in ideas the nation had to finally realize that after one hundred years of emancipation, African Americans remained without freedom. While segregation was…show more content…
American teens began to spend more time with each other away from adults. Also the youth of America became empowered. They would earn their own money by working before or after school jobs and also began to be paid allowances. This caused the culture of American youth be viewed as fashionable and exciting. As the youth started to conform increasingly, there was a concern about youth rebellion. Then in the late 1950s with the red scare, the youth became interested in the Cold War, nuclear threat, and civil rights. The American youth also became very frustrated with Universities as they thought college curriculum had been irrelevant and rules were restrictive. With all of these frustrations grassroots movements that believed change was possible inspired the youth. As the right had new conservatism focused on the youth, the left did the same. Then emerged the Students for a Democratic
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