Bill Clinton Biography

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Bill Clinton (William Jefferson Blythe III) was the 42 president of the United States of America. He was born in August 19, 1946 in a town Called Hope Arkansas. His parents were Virginia Cassidy Blythe and William Jefferson Blythe. His Father William Died in a car accident few months before Bill was Born. Bill was name after his father. Due to his Father’s death his Mother Virginia left Bill to live with his Grandparents while she went to nursing school in New Orleans. His Grandparents were Eldridge and Edith Cassidy. His Grandparents owned a small store outside of Hope. They let all Race of all Colors got to purchase things on credit in his grandparents store even with the laws back then. “Clinton's grandparents were strict disciplinarians,…show more content…
Later when his brother Roger enters school Bill Last name got changed from Blythe to Clinton. “Although neither his parents nor his grandparents were religious, Clinton became a devoted Baptist from a very young age. On Sunday mornings, he woke himself up, put on his best dress clothes and walked half a mile to Park Place Baptist Church to attend services alone. Clinton was especially drawn to the gospel music performed at his church. He began playing the jazz saxophone, and by the time he graduated from high school, many considered him the best saxophonist in the city.”(Biography) Bill Clinton looked up to two people that inspired him dearly they were John F Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In High School Bill was selected to go to Washington D.C. for all Boys Nation it’s was a special youth event there. Bill was one of the first to meet John F. Kennedy and shake his hand. That same year he got to watch the famous speech from Dr. Martin Luther King “I have a dream” on television. Bill put a lot of work into his school work that he earned an academic scholarship and a music scholarship since he was great playing the saxophone. He also gotten government student loans that helped pay his way thru college.…show more content…
W. Bush, and George W. Bush, in disaster relief efforts for the tsunami in South Asia, Hurricane Katrina in the United States, and the earthquake in Haiti.”( clintonlibrary) Why I find Bill Clinton influential in this field of work? Well there is several reason . I find him to be an Advocate and an political figure. Well I have read about his early life till he was out of high school he was taught to be respectful and did not judge people because of people race. He has several role models ; that who look up to that made to be who he was today. He was not about himself he wanted a change things to help the people. When he was in office he passed laws to help families that need help in certain areas. He also passes a law with gays in the Army “Don’t Ask don’t tell” that we just cover in our textbook. When he did leave office he helped other political people with certain things in different counties when they had disasters .He also started a fountain that covers certain problems we r dealing today. I feel if we had more people like Bill Clinton we would have more change when comes to the social work field. Working in this field would not be less funded and less

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