Compare And Contrast Afghanistan War Vs Iraq War

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War in Afghanistan vs. Iraq War For the last eight years, the media has bombarded us with news and insight into the Iraq War and War in Afghanistan. The population responded with 70 percent disapproval rating for both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (Jones). Yet, there still is confusion between the two wars. In 2006, a study done by National Geographic found that only 31 percent of Americans could find Iraq on a map despite being at war for three years and worse, nine out of ten Americans could not find Afghanistan on a map (Roach). Even President Obama mixed up Afghanistan and Iraq in an interview and stated three times that the US would withdraw all troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2011. The wars blend together despite their key differences. The War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq have different logistical operations, causes of entrance relations with the local government, and international responses. There are large logistical differences [between the two conflicts]. The United States [officially] entered Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 (Wintour) and [officially] entered Iraq on March 20, 2003 (Pollack). Despite being two years younger than the War in Afghanistan, the Iraq War had a troop surge first. In 2007, the US increased the troops levels in Iraq by 20,000 and its funds for reconstruction programs by $1.2 billion (United States, The White House Military Office). In contrast, the conflict in Afghanistan is currently having a troop surge with an additional 33,000 troops. Furthermore, at the end of both conflicts, the War in Afghanistan’s price tag will be twice that of the Iraq War (Barnes). The troops surges have brought differing levels of violence to Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq has both higher troops casualties and civilian causalities than the War in Afghanistan (Entous). The difference in the causality rate is due to the geographical layouts

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