Conflict Between Creon And Antigone

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In the Theban Antigone by Sophocles, the author reveals a theme that the laws of the Gods are greater than those of man. The beginning of this play shows king Creon refusing to bury Polynice on account of him attacking Thebes, this begins a conflict with Antigone; Polynice’s sister who believes that she must bury her brother sending his soul to the heavens even though fully knowing the consequences of her actions could lead to her own death, Creon discovers this treason and sentences Antigone to death, despite the numerous objections by his son Haemon and the blind prophet Theresis. Through the use of conflicts and tragedy Sophocles reveals a theme that is relevant even in a modern society. Sophocles uses the interpersonal conflict between Antigone and Creon to represent that upholding the laws of the Gods are higher than the laws of man. Creon sets laws that he believes no man is bigger than while Antigone believes that…show more content…
This conflicts her emotions because she wants to be able to mourn her brother, but she does not want to disobey her uncle. These emotions help reveal the theme because Antigone decides that she should bury her brother despite Creon’s law. Antigone is faithful to the unwritten laws of the Gods because she feels they are more important than those made by man. The theme of the play is also revealed through the external conflict between Creon and the Gods. Creon being stubborn and proud feels that he is above the laws of the almighty, he neglects to see the signs the Gods send as a warning until he has lost everything. And when he does he

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