Essay On Symbolism In The Birthmark

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Symbolism In both stories we read this week there was symbolism in them. The authors had some similar symbolism in the fact they both symbolized fear. As you read further on I will explain the symbolism in each story with examples of why I believe that was what the author was trying to symbolize. In The Birth-Mark by Nathaniel Hawthorne Aylmer tries to make Georgiana perfect by removing the birthmark on her face. Though when describing the birthmark it was described as relatively small and in the shape of a hand and crimson color in nature against her pale skin “a crimson stain upon the snow (pg.291).” By nature we as humans are imperfect and sometimes we try to be by changing things about ourselves. The birthmark represents our human flaws and our flaws are very much part of us so we can’t really change it. Like when Aylmer tries to removes the birthmark because it’s so deep in her skin because it’s a part of her that it ends up killing her. He actually has a dream earlier in the book which foreshadows this event. He fails to look past the birthmark and realize she is perfect just the way she is. I wonder if his obsession over the birthmark…show more content…
Byatt has two main characters Penny and Primrose. They go into the forest and encounter the thing which I feel represents fear and the war. As the story was taken place during the Blitz. At one point in the story it talked about how the worm appeared to move in waves which if you think about it an army moves in waves. This ends up leaving Penny and Primrose traumatized to the point that it affects them all the way up to adulthood. Which symbolizes the effects of the aftermath of war. I think we as people fail to see the effect that war has on children and it can be really devastating for some. Both girls revisit the forest as adults and while Primrose is able to move on Penny never does. While some people are able to handle and cope some never do and ends up being a life- long
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