Haemon Speech Essay

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Morgan Christiansen Coach Burleson English 2 Antigone essay Haemon, son of King Creon, is trying to manipulate his father into not killing Antigone, his bride to be, who broke the law by giving her brother a proper burial in a horrific battle he fought between him and his own brother. “She covered her brothers body. Is this indecent? She kept him from the dogs and vultures. Is this crime? Death?- she should have all the honor we can giver her!” Haemon is trying to tell his father that Antigone is innocent and that she committed no crime. It was a simple act of loyalty to her family. Even though King Creon set the law that polynieces should not be buried, due to his act of intrusion, Antigone didn’t want his soul to left here on earth, she wanted polynieces soul to have a safe trip to heaven. “In flood time you can see how some trees bend, and because they bend, even their twigs are safe. While stubborn trees are torn up, roots and all”. Creon is a very stubborn person and believes that only he is right. Heamon tells him that not everything is about him and that he is not always right. Antigone placed a curse on creon and soon he starts to realize what he has done and so he decides to not kill Antigone, and let her be free. In conclusion heamon finally persuades his dad, with the help of Antigone, that he shouldn’t kill Antigone because she was being loyal to her family and following gods

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