Perspectives of Success

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Perspectives of Success 1 Buchner defines success as the process of achieving goals. The American Heritage College Dictionary defines success as the gaining of fame or prosperity. While many cultures define success differently. Success can be interpreted based on beliefs, values, and the importance of social economic status, self awareness and personal trials yet to overcome. I define success as the effect of the feeling of satisfaction after overcoming a set back with triumph. In this paper I will dissect the word origin of the word success. In addition to, identifying the sociocultural theories of success, and evaluate the word success in relation to school, work and how to overcome barriers of success. (Buchner, 2011) Success was derived from the Latin word succedere which means to succeed. Mark Twain said “Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed, to comprehend a nectar requires the sorest need.” In other words, success can only truly be defined and when there is suffering, a tragedy or a serious deficiency of a desire. When there is hope in disparity present, success is the feeling of that disparity being evolved into a dream fulfilled and realized. (Buchner, 2011) Second, the meaning of success is all too often centered on individual success however, according to the text Diversity Consciousness it holds far more value to the wider perspective which includes the environment, which shape your thoughts and actions. These social forces are all around us and them define our perception of success. Some say the weight of success can be found in the failures encountered, whereby, the thought of taking chances in the midst of trial and error allows one to know what not to do and therefore allowing the opportunity for one to discover what can be done (Buchner, 2011) In the text Diversity
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