Shouldice Case Study

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Shouldice Hospital Case Study 2/20/14 Ted D’Agostino 1. Shouldice has distinguished itself from its competitors 2. The hospital should not change their marketing techniques. 3. If Shouldice were to expand, they should choose a method that does not involve spending too much money, starting a new location, or starting a new specialty. 4. The atmosphere of Shouldice generates a solid clientele. 5. Although there could be potential internal problems, Shouldice conducts their business appropriately. 1.) Management does not need to act too aggressively to preserve the hospitals position in the customers mind. Although there are top of the line hospitals around the globe, none other are as specialized, distinguished, or as trusted as Shouldice Hospital. Currently Shouldice uses their success rate, great word of mouth promotion, extreme customer satisfaction, and specialty service to entice customers into wanting their services. They separate themselves clearly from competition with their services and do a very good job delivering value to their customers. Not only does the hospital have excellent immediate service, but it has shown long-term growth and expansion. Due to the fact of the massive wait list to book appointments and surgery, it does not seem like management of Shouldice should change it’s marketing to change positioning. Shouldice should remain firm in publishing positive results and outcomes while continuously upholding their reputation and demand for service and impeccable word of mouth promotion from previous patients. 2.) Shouldice Hospital should always be seeking to expand and increase market share. With a wait list of over 2,000 patients, expansion could only increase efficiency and satisfaction of not only the patient but also the staff and employees as well. Expanding in one of several ways could change the hospital

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