Symbolism of Time in Macbeth

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Uses of time in Macbeth In the play “The Tragedy of Macbeth” by William Shakespeare the main character, Macbeth develops a struggle with his own conscience as he tries to take over the kingdom of Scotland. His attempts of gaining power begin to form or disorder in Macbeth’s mind. All through the play Macbeth’s mentality and mindset change develop, he basically went from being King Duncan’s loyal “kinsman” to his crazed murderer. Time has a very significant roll in the play; it was introduced in many forms such as effects of time on Macbeth, chronological time, and lack of order. Shakespeare strongly emphasizes the way time in itself, affects Macbeth. In the beginning of the play Macbeth was a sympathetic character, and as a human he felt guilt and shame amongst things of negative nature, until his hungry ambition drove him too far. The more time consumed, the more ambition Macbeth is building up, and in his case it is ambition to the throne of Scotland. Over a short period of time, Macbeth had gained this negative force and pull to become King of Scotland by any means necessary, which means with the push of Lady Macbeth, the murder of King Duncan is on the way. Although Macbeth is to be blamed for his own wrong doings, such as killing King Duncan, the three witches have played a major roll in this deed as well. The witches’ prophecies are what influenced him greatly, with something that sounded so pleasant yet caused such a dreadful downfall. “All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Cawdor! / All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!”(I.iii.48-50). After this, it was just a matter of time until evil grew into Macbeth’s soul. Chronological time is also greatly significant to the play. Shakespeare introduces the witches to the reader. They later foreshadow of what is yet to come when they question each
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