The Devils Arithmetic

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Ashley Bond The Devils Arithmetic The novel The Devils Arithmetic is a memorable novel. This novel is filled with great description and detail. In my opinion I loved this book I enjoyed reading it and it really Is a great story. This novel when you start reading you don't want to stop it defiantly is a page turner and you'll be on the edge of your seat to see what happens next. This novel is about a thirteen year old girl named Hannah. Hannah is a normal girl, normal height, and normal weight. Hannah is also Jewish and she doesn't appreciate her heritage at all. Matter of fact she wishes she wasn't because she doesn't like all the traditions. This story first takes place around passover time which for many of us is Easter.…show more content…
When opening the door it symbolizes back then during the holocaust Jews had to open the door to make sure they weren't doing any blood worshiping. Hannah goes to open the door and suddenly she teleported back into 1942. Hannah wakes up in a strange village and she hears people calling the name Chaya. Chaya turns out to be Hannah's Hebrew name. One of the people who was calling her name claims to be her aunt Gitl. Gitl claims Chaya is there because her whole family was killed back in her hometown Dublin. After all chaya's confusion they all head off to a wedding which is Gitl's brother shmule's. During the wedding jeeps come pulling up Chaya try to warn everybody it was the Nazis but no one believed her. Soon after that the Nazis tell everybody they have to leave. The Nazis put everybody on a train, the train was packed. There was no bathroom, nothing to eat or drink and there was nowhere to sit. After a few days on the train they arrive at the concentration camps. As soon as they arrive at the concentration camps they are stripped and put into old dusty rags and their heads are shaven and then the get tattooed numbers and a letter on their forearm. They are told to survive here you have to work and eat whenever you have the chance. There wasn't much food at all people starved in concentration camps. Only the strong willed and mind survived it was a very harsh and horrible time during the

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