The Yellow Wallpaper Feminism

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Although most people will find The Yellow Wallpaper as simply an account of a woman that sunk into deep depression, it is possible to extricate dual interpretations from this story. There is one meaning that is describing that the author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman can be related to the female in the story; this is achieved by comparing the author's life and her character's life piece by piece. One might find that The Yellow Wallpaper is very similar to events that actually took place in the author's life. On the other hand, the more popular theory of the two states that many individuals examine this story from a feminist point of view. By this, I mean, they read and translate this story with a critical perspective, a view that generalizes…show more content…
Among her father's forebears was the novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe, his aunt. Perkins abandoned his wife after their infant died in 1866 - Mary Perkins lived with her children on the brink of poverty and was often forced to move from relative to relative or to other temporary lodgings. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an avid reader and largely self-educated. She studied two years at Rhode Island School of Design (1878-80) and then earned her living designing greetings cards. In 1884 she married Charles Walter Stetson, an aspiring artist. After the birth of their daughter Katharine, she was beset by depression, and began treatment with Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell in 1886. His recommendations, 'live as domestic a life as possible' and 'never touch a pen, brush or pencil as long as you live' Gilman later satirized this in her autobiography, and used the discussions in her most renowned short story, 'The Yellow Wallpaper', which first appeared in New England Magazine…show more content…
The paper's pattern, which slowly develops from bulbous eyes to a woman shaking bars. It contains many vague images, but acts as a paranoid collection of domination. Gilman gives the reader a feeling that the wallpaper is ever-present and lurking, like some say the subtle rejections she faced as a female writer. The paper stains people and things; this could possibly mean the everlasting habit of society to pass its sense of protocol from person to person, father to son. A constantly changing light on the wallpaper show many different mutating forms--symbols of the many ways male chauvinism has spread throughout the society. Each one can be read as a different facet of a male-centric society and its effect on women. (Ames 1) The bulbous eyes and strangled heads may symbolize other women's careers that have been choked, in that case the authors tearing down of the wallpaper and creeping over her husband symbolizes her triumph. The images are so numerous that it is not possible to know precisely what Gilman meant for each one--perhaps she was unsure herself--but a reader can personalize them all and gain a sense of them from the context Gilman places around the
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