Understand How Duty of Care Contributes to Safe Practice

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Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. All service users should be supported and enabled to live in an environment which is free from prejudice and safe from abuse. My responsibilities under the duty of care is to do everything reasonable within the definition of my job role to make this happen. A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on a carer requiring that they adhere to a good quality and standard of care. It is my duty to take care of vulnerable adults and to ensure that their needs and well-being are looked after. I exercise reasonable care with respect to individuals’ best interests, this includes protecting service users from any harm or abuse that may occur and avoiding any acts that could result in injury but it also means respecting service users and giving them choices. I am proficient enough to ensure that every service user is taken care of in a reasonable, responsible and respectful manner. It is my role to ensure that my duty is carried out safely and effectively working alongside my organisation’s policies and procedures. Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice Know how to address dilemmas that may arise between an individuals rights and the duty of care Know how to recognise and handle comments and complaints Know how to recognise and handle incidents errors and Duty of Care is defined simply as a legal obligation to Always act in the best interest of individuals and others Not act or fail to act in a way that results in harm Act within your competence and not take on anything you do not believe you can safely do. As a care worker you owe a duty of care to the people you support your colleagues your employer yourself and the public interest. Everyone has a duty of care – it is not something that you can opt out of.

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