What I Need to Succeed

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What I need to be successful What do I need to be successful in this class? First, I need to really know what the meaning of success is in general and what success means to me personally. The dictionary defines success as: “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” Every individual will have a different meaning of what success is to them. It may be to have a lot of money, be famous, have power, be admired, drive a certain type of car. Others might have more simple ideas of success like having a family, being able to work, being able to walk, or being truly loved. In certain instances of my life I have come to know people that had great changes in their lives, and in my eyes, seemed to have succeeded like never before. I asked myself, what was their secret? Is there a secret? Is there a magic recipe that will just make you successful out of nowhere? If there was I think that information would be very valuable. There is a recipe, but it is not a secret, for successful people have shared it with us over time. Hard work, dedication, commitment, perseverance, never giving up, believing in yourself is all part of the recipe for success. For example, lets make success the tip of a 1000 foot tall mountain. To reach the tip of success, I will put in the work of climbing not giving up (persevering through any obstacle that gets in the way) and believing that I can reach that tip, because there is no way that tip, that success, is coming down to me. For me to be successful first I need to want it. I need to have a goal something to aim for. I must convince myself that I can do it, and then put all my effort and means available to just simply get it done. Having a goal is the main point of success without it, it would not be success. It is like having a race without a finish line with no finish line it is just called running. I have to have my goals clear and know what I
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