Why Is Frankenstein Unethical

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Danger Monster –Essay Nikita Revenko People are often keen to sympathise with the lonely, socially inapt character, when it comes to a novel or a movie. A perfect example of that type of character is the creature in Mary Shelley’s book: Frankenstein. But when one starts to read in between the lines, it doesn’t seem so obvious anymore. At many points in the story it is clear that the creature is dangerous and extremely violent. Also, it’s being very selfish by asking Victor for more favours, after Victor had already given life to it. Finally, throughout the story, it constantly seeks revenge on its creator, Victor, even though it knows that that means to neglect integrity. It is dangerous and unethical to sympathize with the creature as it is dangerous, forceful and almost always infuriated with revenge. Throughout the novel, the creature…show more content…
It was given life and this in itself is already a major gift from Victor, but then going ahead and asking for a partner is absolutely arrogant and unethical. “My companion must be of the same species and have the same defects. This being you must create” (133) is what the creature said to Victor. The monster speaks to Victor as if it is entitled to have a partner; with arrogance. The monster acts with extreme selfishness and from that comes unethical behaviour and actions. After not getting what he wanted, he promises to destroy Victor’s life and threatens him, by saying “I go; but remember, I shall be with you on your wedding-night" (137). The monster decides to unrightfully take revenge on Victor. The monster is so self-centred that it is incapable of acting ethical, and that its actions are solely to achieve its horrific goal. The above quote also ties in with one of the themes of the book, which is monstrosity. The creature behaves unethically in asking Victor for a partner, and then furthermore to take
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