1.1 Be Able to Address the Range of Communication Requirements in Own Role

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In my own job role I communicate with many different people: The children and young people themselves~ verbally, using PEC’s and sign language, this is when they come into the office, on home visits and when I complete observations on activity to gain their input, thoughts and feelings on the Service as well as a general conversation. The CYP families~ verbally both face to face and on the telephone, written formally and informally by electronic email, letter and text message, this is to answer their general queries, inform them of dates of Service, address any concerns and to keep the lines of communication open. It is promotional and informative when I email links to them regarding other support they could access some of which is ran by other Departments of. Staff~ This is usually formally or informally via email, text message, face to face and on the telephone regarding the day to day Service we provide. Other Management and Administration~ This is also formally or informally via the same methods as Staff, verbal and non-verbal. Human Resources~ This is usually formally via face to face meetings or telephone calls as well as electronically via e-mails when I need to acquire advice on a Staff member’s conduct. Safeguarding Team~ This is always formally either verbally in a telephone call or electronically via e-mail. This is to gain advice and report Safeguarding concerns. Social Workers~ This can be formally and informally, sometimes I have to report on Safeguarding concerns, this is usually in an encrypted email, or it can be less formal and just an email update on how a service is progressing. I have to attend Case Conferences where I prepare a formal report and verbally and formally have input. Sometimes we have to speak to Social Workers on the telephone regarding new referrals, any concerns we may have or a simple update on the Service. Doctors and
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