21st Century: Annotated Bibliography

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The 21st century was accompanied by an exciting and dramatic technological revolution. We live in a media saturated, globalised, complex and diverse society where our students face many environmental and social challenges such as global warming, overpopulation, poverty and famine. New technology has provided unlimited possibilities for new developments and discoveries in communication, health, environmental stability and restoration, medical advances and space exploration. 21st century education needs to have a curriculum and pedagogy that allows students access to new possibilities and an understanding of how to solve these problems. Skills, learnt through an integrated, interdisciplinary and project based curriculum, include being able to…show more content…
(2015). Retrieved August 25, 2015, from http://www.acs.edu.au/enrolment/problem-based-learning/guidelines.aspx Ward, H. (2011). Seek and ye shall find the answers. The Times Educational Supplement Scotland, (2244), 26. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/919616943?accountid=14205 Weimer, M. (2013). Learner-centered teaching: Five Key Changes to Practice (Second ed.). Wiley. Wolpert-Gawron, H. (2015, August 15). What the Heck Is Project-Based Learning? Retrieved August 25, 2015, from http://www.edutopia.org/blog/what-heck-project-based-learning-heather-wolpert-gawron Zajda, J. (2007). Credentialism in the 21st Century: The Importance of Qualifications. Educational Practice and Theory, 29(2), 61-79. Zajda, J. (2011). Globalisation and schooling: equity and access issues. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6(1), 143-152. Zajda, J. (2014). Living Together: Globalisation, Education and Intercultural Dialogue. Retrieved August 17, 2015, from http://www.uws.edu.au/equity_diversity/equity_and_diversity/cultural_diversity/past_events/conference_documents/living_together_globalisation,_education_and_intercultural_dialogue Zajda, J., Majhanovich, S., & Rust, V. (2006, September 9). Education and social justice. Retrieved August 17,
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