24: Introduction to Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Setting

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24: Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting 1. Understanding the implications of duty of care. 1.1 Define the term “duty of care”. A duty of care is a requirement which all individuals whom perform any acts of care upon anyone else, which may cause harm at any point, is legally obliged to adhere to. It is a legal obligation which sets a basic standard of care to prioritise the safety, welfare and interests of the people using their services. This does not just apply to the care establishment that is providing the services of care but also the individual care workers within the establishment. Finally the employer also has a duty of care to their staff. 1.2 Describe how the duty of care affects own work role. Within my work role duty of care sets routine and requirements I have to adhere to in the process of giving my services to the service user. For example keeping up to date on all training available to me, preventing cross contamination by washing hands regularly, being confidential with user information as it could be used to cause harm in many ways such as emotionally or physically. 2. Understand support available for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care. 2.1 Describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights. Sometimes an individual’s rights and choices may lead them to wanting to do something that may cause harm to themselves or others, this causes a dilemma as it conflicts with duty of care to prevent harm but at the same time we need to respect the individual’s rights, choices and independence. An example of this in a care environment is a resident may need a frame to assist with walking but wants to walk unaided. This may lead to the resident falling and causing injury or effecting a previous leg/hip injury. In this situation

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