4222 377 Essay

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Support Individuals with a learning disability to access healthcare Outcome 1 A rights based approach means to treat all with the values of fairness, equality, dignity, respect and autonomy, values which are also at the core of quality health and social care. Some of the reasons why a rights-based approach to health and social care is considered to be best practice are that it supports health and social care staff in meeting their professional ethical obligations; it also improves the decision-making processes and enhances the health and well-being of all service users. The rights base approach also sends a message to society that people with disabilities are first and foremost equal persons with human rights. If an individual was unable to give consent regarding any treatment a best interests decision would be made on behalf of the individual by the individual involved in their immediate care which can be a support worker, social services or doctor. The individual should be given all of the relevant information surrounding the medication or treatment which they require. The information should include both the positive and side effects of any treatment. The information should be presented to the individual in a way which is most effectively understood by them and in the chosen form of communication which the individual uses. All of the risks and benefits should be identified to the individual in order for them to make an informed decision. Equal access can be improved in the health care system by ensuring information can be given to individuals in a variety of forms such as information being given and displayed in different formats and in the different ways in which people can communicate such as speech, pictures, Makaton, sign, braille. Staff within the health care profession who have to interact with individuals should also be trained or have knowledge of
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