506 Promote Professional Development

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506 | Promote professional Development | leadership and management. 28.11.13 | 502.1.1 | Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice | To provide a safe and productive environment for the young people I care for I need to work for a company that is always striving to be better by portraying an importance to keep learning this ensures that I don’t become complacent within my role. It is important that I keep my knowledge current to comply with the national children’s standards. This enables my skills to improve and this helps me have a better understanding and acceptance of those things that are different to me allowing me to take on board opinions, cultures and attitudes of others. Therefore ensuring I am as diverse as I can be. Reflective practice is imperative to ensure that high standards are always met. This is also vital as the young people I work with have continuous environment and personal changes. | 502.1.2 | Analyse potential barriers to professional development | By providing a service for vulnerable young people we naturally want to provide the best. This can lead to reluctance to accept improvements can be made. This is turn can lead to a poor service being provided. A lack of access to training will also prevent my professional development and my quality of work. Poor service | 502.1.3 | Compare the use of different sources and systems of support for professional development | There are many sources available to me to assist my professional development in the form of electronic and human. The internet can be a great tool assuming the information is correct. I need to be aware of the sites I’m using to obtain information. I will always try and source more than one opinion I can do this by speaking with my manager within the home I work I also have other professionals I

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