A Career As A Scholar-Practitioner

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Academic and Professional Development Plan In order to be a good scholar-practitioner, one must first understand what it is and what is needed to be one. Scholar-practitioner is an ideal of professional excellence, which is grounded in theory and research. They rely mostly on experimental knowledge, are motivated by personal values, political commitments, and ethical conduct (McClintock, 2003)". In order to be a good scholar you must implant yourself in the world of academic, and be open to a theory base environment. As a practitioner you must understand how to put into operation, view, and analysis these theories. The key ingredients to become a true scholar-practitioner are development and maturity. A person has to continue to expand on their learning…show more content…
The other challenge was that the other schools you can go to learning lab face to face if you need help they will look over your paper if you need help. I can approve myself by focusing more on my degree, and learn how to be an effective leader for the Health care administrator field. The last challenge that I will likely encounter will be time management. The potential challenges in a current or future health care administration position, will be learning the technical skills when it comes to documentation. I may also have a potential challenge when it comes to maintaining a staff that is satisfied in every aspect of the job. The key professional competences I would like to acquire are interpersonal, technical, conceptual skills, and the attributes that I would need to provide high quality healthcare. My major focus will to correct or prevent medical errors, make sure that every patient that enters the hospital is safe, and to be more cost-effective for every patient. I will require these skills by continuing to take classes and attend all training that is available for professional

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