A Review on the Hangman's Daughter

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Review The Hangman’s Daughter I thought the depiction of witchcraft in the Hangman’s Daughter was relatively accurate based on what I learned in class. This book is based in a small town called Schongau where rumors can spread even faster than wild fire and bad relationships can cause you to be accused of witchcraft. Children were murdered with a mark of witchcraft on their backs, which looked to me like the symbol for women, a circle with a cross underneath. Of course someone has to be to blame for all of this, and because there is an odd symbol on the backs of the murder victims the most logical answer is witchcraft. Why else would anything happen other than by evil magic? Martha Stechlin was the last one to see several orphan children before their murders and is the prime suspect in all of this mess. Jakob Kuisl, the hangman of Schongau, must torture Martha in order to make her confess practicing witchcraft, but Jakob is convinced that Martha wouldn’t hurt a fly. She even helped deliver his son and cared so much for many children so why would she murder them? Jakob, Magdalena his daughter, and Simon the physician’s son have to find out who is murdering all of the orphaned children before it is too late for Martha. Though I have a hard time believing that in the 1650’s someone would go through that much trouble to try and solve a murder mystery rather than just go along with what everyone else was saying and burn the witch. Also I’m not sure that something that elaborate would go into planning murders. All of this was written in for the purpose of plot twists and entertainment for the readers. It would have been easy just to write a two page book where someone is accused of witchcraft and then they are hanged, the end.

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