Acct 504 Quiz 3

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Quiz 1 1. If Sarah had 53 apples and sold 31 of them to her brother then bought back 15 then sold another 20 how many is she left with? 2. 99 + 78 +20 – 18 + 1 = ____________ 3. How many f’s are I the following statement “Fred was walking down the street wondering if he should find a new favourite restaurant to eat dinner at or if he should just go to his families house for dinner” 4. Johnny bought 15 shirts for $170 and sold all 15 for $10.99 each, did he make a profit? 5. Without writing down his name how many letters are in the name of the current US president? 6. 100cm + 3 m + 150 cm – 4 m = ______CM 7. The past tense of running 8. $22.87 + $55.23 = ______________ 9. A man has to be at work by…show more content…
Johnny bought 68 pears but realized he needed more so he bought another 45 then gave his brother 22 but his brother didn’t want that many so he gave him back 6 how many is he left with? 2. 88 – 36 + 17 – 4 = ______________ 3. Rachel’s sister’s husbands’ child is what to Rachel? 4. If Sam bought 30 shirts in a bundle for $15.99 and sold each one individually for $2 how much profit did he make? 5. In the first year of a production a play sells 33 tickets, in the second year they sell 55 tickets, in its third year they sell 21 tickets less then the second year. Does year one or three have higher ticket sales? 6. The present tense of singing 7. In the fist half of her soccer game Beth scored 15 goals on the other team. In the second half she scored another 9. The other team scored 4 goals the first half and 17 the second half. How much did Beth’s team win by? 8. 2m – 40cm +3m – 200cm = _________CM 9. Four people attended Amy’s party. She was handing out strawberries as a treat. The first girl took 2 and the second girl took 4 and the third took 6 and the last girl took 8. Amy ate 4 before everyone arrived. By the end of the four girls the basket was empty. How many were in the basket before the party? 10. 67 + 13 – 4 =

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