Affects That Mongol Rule Had Economically and Politically on Russia and China

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The rule of the Mongol people in Asia affected both Russia and China in many ways both economically and politically, however, because the Mongols directly ruled China, they had a greater impact on the country of China. One economic similarity the Chinese and Russians shared under Mongol rule was that using the rule of the Mongols, the reinventing of the Silk Road helped both countries economically by increasing safe trade between countries, trading mainly silk from China and fur from Russia. The Mongols also affected China and Russia in the new types of political system or the trade of power that occurred: the Chinese created a bureaucracy while the Russians ruled their people with feudalistic tactics such as princes/vassals of the Mongols. The Mongols also created sufism in Russia. The political impact from the Mongols was much more centralized and uncompromising in China rather than in Russia, where political impact was didn’t have as much effect. Both the Chinese and the Russians had a greatly improved economy under the Mongolian rule. This is due to the fact that the Mongols believed in taxing the peasants in both regions as a way to earn money for themselves. In China, it was said that Silk Roads and trading was so safe, that a traveler could voyage across the entire Mongol area with a golden platter upon his head and not be robbed or encounter any violence. Russian towns had increased profits from the trading of the Mongol links. Sometimes these profits exceeded the tribute that they were required to pay to the Mongols. The peasants also had a small amount of power in both counties, so it was easiest for the Mongols to tax them, since they were less likely to rebel and fight against the power of the Mongols. There is a similarity between these two regions in economic improvement because the Mongols were all very united and open to trade and new ideas.
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