All About Chihua Research Paper

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All About Chihuahuas Chihuahua Facts, Chihuahua Information, All About Chihuahuas Group Southern, AKC Toy Also Called Chiwawa, Chihuahau, Chiuaua |[pic] |Country of Origin, History of the Breed | | |Chihuahuas were initially thought to be descendants of a dog similar in appearance to the Chihuahua, but| | |only bigger in size, the Techichi. But due to the lack of archaeological proof to support the theory, it| | |was later believed that Chihuahuas were brought to Mexico by settlers from Spain. | A more recent theory regarding the origin of this breed is that…show more content…
You can greatly reduce the risks with certain precautions: 1. Support a dog with both hands whenever you lift or hold. Don’t let a young child lift or hold the dog in the air. Have the child sit down on the floor and allow the dog to get in and out of the child’s lap without restraint, or set the dog on the child’s lap after the child is seated on a sofa or other seat from which the dog cannot easily fall to the floor. A veterinarian can show you how to lift the dog without causing pain. 2. Condition the dog that support will be there for all lifting, and gently condition the dog not to struggle while being held. You do this by not releasing a dog who is struggling. Wait until the dog is calm and still before releasing. This conditioning is an opportunity to build your dog’s trust in you. 3. Do not permit your Chihuahua to threaten people or animals while being held. To cope until your dog is trained, you can gently shield eyes so your dog cannot look at the target, and restrain the mouth—but be sure the dog can breathe and…show more content…
Luxating patellas—otherwise known as slipping kneecaps—are a problem in many toy breeds. Sometimes they require surgical correction. 2. The tiny trachea is vulnerable, which is why it’s best not to attach a leash to the Chihuahua’s identification collar and use a harness instead. 3. The Chihuahua’s skull has a unique shape that can create complications. Have your puppy checked by a veterinarian to make sure this is not so extreme as to cause your dog problems. 4. Tiny dogs can dehydrate and die quickly from vomiting and/or diarrhea. Do not delay taking a sick Chihuahua to a veterinarian. Be sure you have finances available at all times so that you will never be tempted to postpone medical care. 5. Tiny dogs have a poor ability to keep their bodies adequately warmed. You will need to protect your Chihuahua from the cold, and for the short-coated ones you will need to provide coats or sweaters. In some conditions a long-coated Chihuahua will need clothing, too. 6. Tiny dogs are easily overdosed on medications. Never give your dog any medication without specific instructions from your veterinarian. What is safe for humans is often deadly to dogs, especially tiny

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