Analog and Digital Comparison Paper

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* Write a 3- to 5-page paper that provides a detailed technical analysis comparing the advantages and disadvantages of analog and digital technology. With this understanding, do the following: * Analyze the technologies for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions in telecommunications. * In analog technology, compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase modulation, and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). Introduction Analog to digital and digital to analog conversions are processes that are transparent to the naked eyed but is complex in nature and require careful conversions. There are distinct advantages to both and their uses depend on the task at hand. Both are still in use today with digital being more prevalent because of large amounts of data that it can easily transmit over great distances. Both of these two communication mediums are not going away anytime soon and each has a place in today’s networking community. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions in telecommunications Analog signal is one that increases or decreases in nature due to the fluctuations of the item being transmitted. This can be compared to the highs and lows of a radio signal in which the analog signal will rise and drop based on the radio signal being transmitted. Analog to digital conversion happens all of the time in telecommunications. For example an analog phone call made from home is converted to a digital signal at the main office switch. This conversion happens again when you scan a photo with a scanner by converting the image into digital information. Digital to analog conversion occurs when a Digital to Analog Converter known as a (DAC) converts digital data into an analog signal (Goleniewski, 2007). This is heard when listening to a CD; the digital data on the CD is

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