Analyse the Factors That Cause Differences in the Hazards Posed by Volcanoes Around the World.

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A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property or environment. The level of hazard posed by different volcanoes can very greatly, from a weak eruption with minimal impact that causes little damage, to a violent and life threatening explosion. Most of the sixty-plus volcanoes that erupt each year are low risk, however a combination of factors can cause a volcano to be a serious hazard. The factors causing these variations will be explained in this essay. The first factor that must be considered is the viscosity of the magma. This can determine how powerful an eruption is and what shape the volcano eventually becomes. Viscosity can be affected by three main factors, firstly, the higher the temperature, the lower the density of the magma, causing it to flow more easily. Secondly, the greater the amount of dissolved gases in the magma, the less viscous it will be, and lastly the higher the silica content, the more viscous it will be. Thicker, more viscous magma has a greater potential for explosive eruptions and therefore represent the greatest potential hazards. The thickest type of magma is known as Acid Magma. Its relatively low temperature (600C-1000C), high silica content and low proportion of dissolved gases causes its toothpaste-like consistency that leads to blockages and powerful eruptions. This can mean that the eruptions caused by thick magma can be less frequent and more difficult to predict, meaning that when an eruption does occur, it is usually with little or no warning, which can lead to catastrophic consequences as any nearby settlement will be relatively unprepared for the effects of a violent volcanic eruption. Furthermore, acid magma is more likely to produce clouds of smoke and ash due to the explosive nature of the eruption it causes, than thinner, basic lava. Ash clouds, such as the one caused by the volcano
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