Antigone Essay

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Antigone the Tragedy Characters in Antigone • Antigone- She is the oldest daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. Her name in Greek means ‘one who is of the opposite opinion’ (anti = opposite, gnomi = opinion). She is the braver of Oedipus’ two daughters, and believes that her brother, Polyneices, deserves a proper burial, so she sets out to do just that. Antigone is the one that stays with Oedipus when he is banished, a blind man, from Thebes. • Ismene- She is the youngest daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. Her name in Greek means ‘to linger towards’ (eis = towards, mene = linger). She warns Antigone that trying to give their brother a proper burial would surely lead to her death and declares that she wants nothing to do with the whole idea. After Antigone is captured by Creon, Ismene states that she helped because she wants to be executed with her sister. Antigone states that she is innocent, and therefore, Ismene is set free. • Creon- He is Jocasta’s brother and the ruler of Thebes. He is also Haemon’s father. Creon exiled Oedipus from Thebes after Oedipus killed his father and married his mother. Creon also declared that Polyneices would not receive a proper burial because he committed treason against his own city. Creon punishes Antigone to death. • Haemon- He is Creon’s son. Haemon is supposed to marry Antigone, however, when Creon banishes Antigone to her death, Haemon runs off. He is later found, dead by her side, after committing suicide for his lost love. • Polyneices- He is the eldest son of Oedipus and Jocasta. Although he supposedly is the next in line to receive power to the throne, Eteocles takes over and banishes Polyneices from Thebes. Polyneices then gathers and army and attacks his brother. He ends up killing his brother, and being killed by his brother in battle. • Eteocles- He is the younger son of Oedipus and Jocasta, and is the
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