Ap Human Genetics Chapter 2 Summary

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10101 Chapter 3- Sept 22 Lecture Notes: Principles of Genetics • You have 23 pairs of chromosomes • Strands of DNA molecules spiraled around each other • Genes = unit of hereditary transmission • Grouped in pairs along chromosome, one from each parent • thousands of genes in each chromosome • Homozygous = same chromosomes (genes are identical) • Heterozygous =different chromosomes (genes are different) • Recessive trait = homozygous ONLY • Dominant traits= heterozygous • Sex-linked genes • Located exclusively on X or Y chromosome • Construction of genital • Color blindness Neurons & Glia • Neurons • 70-100 billion • Glia • ~10 X as many -Whole central nervous system is made of of; • Cerebral…show more content…
It is bathed in its own special nutritive “soup”; the cerebrospinal fluid. -The Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): nourishes the brain and provides a protective cushion for it. (the hollow cavities in the brain that are filled with CSF are called ventricles -The Spinal Cord • the Spinal cord connects the brain to the rest of the body through the peripheral nervous system. • It is enclosed by the meninges and bathed in CSF. • the spinal cord is an extension of the brain. It runs from the base of the brain to just below the level of the…show more content…
• The Left= controls and communicates with the right hand, right arm, right leg, right eyebrow, etc.. • The Right= controls and communicates with the left side -vision and hearing: Both eyes deliver information to both hemispheres but there is still a separation of input. Stimuli in the right half of the vision field are registered by receoptors on the left side of each eye, which send signlas to the left hemisphere. Stimuli in the left half of the visual field are transmitted by both eyes to the right hemisphere. Auditory inputs to each ear also go to both hemispheres. Hemispheric Specialization in the Intact Brain: -Maryse Lassonde- recruited callosotomized (corpus callosum severed surgically) and acallosal (born withou an intact corpus callosum) participants in order to examine to operation of the two

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