Ap Human Geography Unit 5 Study Guide

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E - LEARNING AND TEACHER EDUCATION. Unit: 5 Subject: Geography. Form: Senior 3 and 4 Topic: Earth movements. Sub-topic: (1) Folding and faulting (2) Volcanicity. Brief description of Topic. This unit deals with the formation of the landscape of East Africa. The forces, which produce physical features, are of two types: internal forces and external forces. Earth movements e.g. folding, faulting, down warping and up warping, volcanicity and earthquakes have formed features on the landscape of E. Africa. Main content and concepts to emphasize: By the end of the lessons students should be able to: • Identify different physical features in East Africa. • Describe the forces…show more content…
A number of theories have been put forward to explain the origins of rift valleys. However, only two have remained popular thus the two theories which attempt to explain the origin of rift valleys. One relies on the forces of tension and the other on the forces of compression. Both theories depend on upward swells, along the sides of which faults develop. Theory 1: Tension forces a) Tension forces act on the layers of rock. b) Gradually two parallel faults appear and the central block begins to subside (sink). c) Land in between sinks in forming a rift valley. The land on either sides stays in place. After subsidence a depression with steep fault scarp sides i.e. a rift valley is formed. It is trapped in position by later pressure. Theory 2: Compressional forces a) Layers of rocks are subjected to compression forces. b) Faults develop and the outer blocks move upwards. Reverse faults are formed. c) Central block stays in place and a rift valley is formed. RIFT VALLEY LAKES These have been formed on the floor of the rift valley and they vary in size, depth and salinity. Examples of the salty lakes are Lake Natron, and Lake Magadi. The rift valley has several in land water basins which contain
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