Argumentative Essay On Affordable Health Care

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AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE The Healthcare Industry is a 2.8 trillion dollar industry. From issues like personal bank-ruptcy, overpaid executives in the healthcare industry, inconsistent pricing from health care pro-viders and hospitals and patients not able to afford to have health care, there was a need for health care reform. Due to several inefficiencies that drove up the cost of healthcare, a reduced standard of care to patients, and Americans that could not afford to have health care, the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010. Some of the key goals of the ACA were to reduce the rate of health care spending and the burden it placed on families, businesses, employers and state and federal budgets as well as improving the quality of care provided to patients. One of the provisions in the ACA is that all Americans are required to have health insurance. If you do not have insurance through your employer, you are required to purchase health insurance. Before Obamacare, there were over 48 million Americans without insurance. With the introduction of Obamacare in the US there were eight key initiatives that were put into place. The first part of reform was related to the insurance companies. The first part of the reform was that…show more content…
At a time when economic growth is not that good and the employment outlook is mixed, one very important question we have to ask whether or not the Affordable Care Act will help or hurt our economy and what will its effect be on businesses? On the negative side, the law has a number of provisions that may hinder em-ployment and growth, including employers be forced to pay for health coverage. Another down-side is an increase in the Medicare contribution rate for high-income workers and imposed taxes on medical device companies, health insurance companies and tanning salons. This is an area of concern and worry for economists who question the economic impact of these
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