Art 1920s Essay

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The art of the 20th century contained many elements previous styles that had begun in the late 19th century. The Impressionists had abandoned the appearance of nature to concentrate on color and its relation to the quality of light. (Collier's Encyclopedia, 745) This was then abandoned for a kind expressionism, a personal and subjective style created. A number of outstanding 20th century artists working outside the many movements of art created works of great individuality. (Collier's Encyclopedia, 745) Some major trends of the art in the 1920's were Impressionism, Art Deco, Cubism, Abstract Art, and Realism. Impressionism is the movement in painting and music. The impressionist movement is often considered to mark the beginning of the modern period in art. The primary object is to achieve a spontaneous, undetailed rendering of the world through careful representation of the effect of natural light on objects. ("Impressionism", Encarta) Art Deco, was used primarily in furniture, jewelry, textiles, and interior decoration. Art Deco grew out of a conscious effort to simplify the elaborate of the century, Art Nouveau. Art Deco became more geometric and linear as objects increasingly massed produced. Art Deco was a style of decorative are and architecture that was popular in the 1920's. ("Art Deco", Encarta) Cubism, a movement in modern art, especially painting, that was primarily concerned with abstract forms rather than lifelike representation. ("Cubism", Encarta) Abstract Art, is art that uses forms having no direct reference to external or perceived reality. ("Abstract Art", Encarta) Realism, in art is an attempt to describe human behavior and surroundings or to represent figures and objects exactly as they appear in life. ("Realism", Encarta) There were many types of art in the 1920's, but the main ones were Impressionism, Art Deco, Cubism,

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