Arthur Dimmesdale In The Scarlett Letter

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"You, Hester Prynne, have committed a sin and brought shame to yourself and to the people of town." Arthur Dimmesdale speaks as Hester Prynne stands helplessly on the scaffold clutching on to the child of god. In the novel The Scarlett Letter, Arthur Dimmesdale, a minister of a small village of Boston, Massachussetts, was Hester Prynne's partner in the horrible sin. Near the scaffold stood Hester Prynne's real husband, Roger Chillingsworth, who was said to be long lost in the ocean. Although both Dimmesdale and Chillingsworth, are sinners but Dimmesdale seems to be the worst one of the two. Roger Chillingsworth, a physician who supposably had to cure the sick, instead tortured Dimmesdale knowing that he was his…show more content…
Arthur Dimmesdale committed the greater sin because he was a man of faith. He was not true to his sacred vows. He committed an adultary which is considered to be the worst sin because it is against one of the ten commandments. He told the people of lord to be true and faithful to their religion when he was not himself. He did not tell the people about his sin like Hester Prynne's was told. This sin made it unable for him to preach and bring a good change into people's lives because he was impure. People looked at him with great trust and saw him as a man of god but he betrayed that trust by giving into his feeling of lust for a short period of time. He is a impure minister of hidden dark secret which is against the rules of god, religion, society, and being a man of faith. The Scarlett Letter delivers a messege into our lives and teaches us an important rule in life. That rule is not to judge something or someone by the surface or appearance. Everything does not look like what it seems. The people of Boston treated Dimmesdale as if he were a trustworthy man and a man with so much purity in

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