Assess the Marxist View That the Main Role of the Family Is to Serve the Interests of Capitalism.

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Marxism is a conflict perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx. This conflict theory does not share the functionalist view that society is built on harmony and success. It sees society divided into to two opposed classes, one of which exploit the labour of the other. In a capitalist society the bourgeoisie exploits the proletariats. Marxist believe the conventional families are the foundations of capitalism it does this in many way; Private property inheritance, Marxists believe that all functions of the family are performed purely for the benefit of the capitalist system. One of the key factors determining how our society plays in to the hands of capitalism is was who inherits Private property. Engles, Marx friend and supporter, argues that a monogamous nuclear family has become essential in society as men had to be certain of the parentage of their offspring to guarantee that their legitimate heir inherit from them. In Engels eyes this made for a ‘historical defeat for the female sex’ suggesting that woman were now under men’s control and just mere of object to provide offspring to become a heir to the inheritance. Marxist altercate that woman will never receive liberation from patriarchal control with the means of capitalism and private ownership nearby. Nevertheless some may argue Marxist and Engles view stating that men can marry for love rather than the need for a child in fact there are many successful couples in modern society who remain childless without a heir to their fortunes. Another point that Marxist point out is the fact that many families today preform key functions that surrender to capitalism. One way in which families do this by socialising children in to an idea hierarchy and inequalities are inevitable. Parents power over children making them accustom to the idea that there is always someone above or better than them. This leads
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