Assignment 301 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

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Assignment 301 Principles of communication in adult social care settings Assignment overview In this assignment, you will complete tasks to demonstrate your knowledge of the importance of effective communication in adult social care settings, and ways to overcome barriers to meet individual needs, wishes and preferences in communication. You will also address the principles and practices relating to confidentiality. There are two tasks to this assignment. A Short answer questions B Case study Ai Identify four different reasons why people communicate. To give and recive information and instructions To express feeling and needs To establish and maintain relationships To share ideas Aii Explain how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between: Colleagues and other professionals Effective communication is essential between colleagues and other professionals, it means that they will be passing on clear, consise, informative and accurate information which will give the professionals the information they need Individuals using the service and their carers Effective communication between a carer and a service user will help to build a meaningful, trustful and respectful relationship. Effective communication is essensial between the service user and the carer as it means that their needs and preferences are met. Aiii Using the table below, identify three ways of finding out the communication and language needs of an individual. For each method, describe how effective it is at establishing the needs of the individual. Method How effective is this method? Studying the care plan or previous records Care plans give you the individuals diagnosis and will inform you of the support the individual needs and

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