Ayn Rand Belief In Today's Society

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Ayn Rand Belief in Today’s society. Ayn Rand's belief of those human relationships should exist without sacrifice. Every man is responsible for his own survival, and it is morally wrong to sacrifice yourself for someone unimportant to you, and equally immoral to expect someone else's sacrifice for your sake. Ayn Rand’s belief doesn't eliminate charity, just shouldn't bring harm to you in order to help someone. Of course, you could deleteriously affect your own welfare to help someone, but it might not be a sacrifice depending on the circumstances. For example if you could pay fifty million dollars to cure your wife of a ultra deadly virus. By paying fifty million dollars is not a sacrifice, since your wife should be more important than money, of course.…show more content…
Saddam Hussein concept of the selfish brute, which mauls and defiles everything in his path, is very common. However, a cursory knowledge of history would tell one that these horrors, which people often try to slander objectivism are almost always the result of self-sacrificial behavior in the name of a higher cause with an authoritarian leader at the helm. Self-sacrifice and the duty to serve others are at the fundamentals of fascism, Nazism, communism, and every other blight on civilization since the beginning of time. Saddam Hussein would be a perfect example of this: a man who saw himself as the great Arab leader who would unite the Arab world against the infidels, and in the process, sacrificed anyone and anybody in the name of his higher, mystical cause. Self sacrifice doesn’t have consist of a warmonger or dictator like Saddam

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