Balko's Essay 'What You Eat Is Your Business'

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September 22, 2013 What You Eat Is Your Business Obesity has become a huge issue in America, and fast foods are believed to be one of the leading causes, yet many Americans still love fast foods and practically live off of them. Those who deal with obesity usually see it as a problem but realized it too late, and struggle to make things rights. Many blame others or make excuses for their obesity, which is really a result of their own free will. Therefore, in some cases, others pay the consequences of those poor choices. Balko uses logos to explain that the people of America need to start taking responsibility for their own health, particularly with diet and obesity, because those are results of their own choices. Balko opened his article with logos by stating that obesity is caused by poor choices and people blaming others for their own…show more content…
Balko stated, “If policymakers want to fight obesity, they’ll halt the socialization of medicine, and move to return individual Americans’ ownership of their own health and well-being back to individual Americans. That means freeing insurance companies to reward healthy lifestyles, and penalize poor ones” (397-398). Balko shows that he supports the Americans taking responsibility of their own health than having the government intervene because it will eventually take away certain freedoms and liberties that other responsible Americans deserved. Balko shows two point views for those people who work hard and make good healthy decisions should enjoy the benefits of requiring less medical attention, and for those that make poor health decisions that result in obesity and requiring more medical helps should be responsible for it. This way, everybody is held to their own actions, which likely would cause people to make better choices in general, and not only regarding

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