Beauty Synthesis Essay

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Beauty Synthesis Essay Beauty, it has many forms, colors, emotions; it seems to be present in everything, yet we cannot begin to describe or visualize what true beauty looks like or feels like. Is it tangible? Is it alive? We find beauty in so many things, yet they are vastly different; the face of a woman, a painting, a melody, love, science, wisdom, life. Out of all these things, beauty can be found. And depending on the eye, some more than others. Beauty is within everything living and non-living. But where is true beauty found? The Mona Lisa, a portrait painted by Leonardo daVinci, has been a symbol for beauty since its creation. This painting is beautiful because the mind that created it was so fascinating. Every decade or so, society comes up with the “ideal woman” or the figure of a woman that people would fine most attractive during that time period. His techniques were eccentric, he used unusually soft but heavy shading on her skin and clothing, making the painting itself seem smooth to the touch. Perhaps her soft delicate skin admires the synthesis of human flesh, and the purity contained in the birth of a human life. Similarly, the background describes a natural landscape full of valleys, mountains and rivers; This too, refers to the beauty of earth and its violent yet astonishing creation. Her clothing holds the same attributes, as the fine craft of fashion dates back to the mind of a creator; Their ideas contested by society, and whether or not their ideas are considered beautiful or not. This painting is special because some believe that this was daVinci's vision of the “ideal woman.” The creation of this idea is beautiful in itself; To formulate a tangible item on what one perceives beauty to be is a wonderful process full of thought and emotion. “Philosophy is the microscope of thought,” a quote from “The Conclusion” by Walter Pater shows that to

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