Bernie Madoff's Crimes

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By: Keyoina Hill November 29, 2011 Central Connecticut State University CRM 478-02 In the 20th Century, Bernie Madoff would be considered as one of the most deceitful criminals alive. His story made international and national headlines. It's estimated he took his investors for a cool $65 billion over the course of nearly two decades, which affected many of his clients, destroyed families lives and their savings, as well as betrayal to his own family. The scheme wasn't revealed until Madoff himself confessed his crimes; even with that being said he still doesn’t take full responsibility for his actions. Madoff himself later said he was "astonished" that the SEC failed to catch him. His greediness and dishonesty throughout the many years…show more content…
One reason that Madoff was so successful was that he was a highly respected, well-established and esteemed financial expert. His reputation was strengthened by the fact that he helped found the NASDAQ stock exchange and served a term as its chair. What's more, at the same time he was running his scheme, he was also running a legitimate business, which didn’t occur overnight. This was a scary thing to imagine and he had many bamboozled. You would think that over duration of time such as this, one would pick up with Bernie Madoff. During the “Madoff Tapes” (2011), many matters were discussed between Bernie Madoff and Steve Fisherman, in which one was that Bernie Madoff had been going along with the scheme for several years without anyone’s knowledge. When he decided to begin and then continue the…show more content…
However, he can still rationalize his actions and come up with excuses as to why he did what he did. He will not take responsibility for the entire Ponzi scheme and anything after. An ideal punishment for Madoff would include a form of retribution to all of the victims that suffered in his hands. Just because his crime was not a violent one, it does not mean it was not a malicious, devious or without intent. White collar crime can negatively affect just as many people and in the same harmful ways, regardless of what someone’s economic status is, therefore, meaning Madoff deserves his 150 year sentence and should be doing additional service to compensate for all that he took form

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