Blue Winds Dancing

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“The Development of the Narrator’s character in Blue Winds Dancing” “Blue Winds Dancing” is narrated by a Native American man by the name of Tom Whitecloud whom is also understood as the main character. At the time of this story, his character is in his third or fourth year of college and he is attending his second or third school which already makes him a dynamic character. This led me to think about why he has moved around from school to school so much and I cannot help but wonder if he is having trouble fitting in or finding friends. In college, friends are important. Especially if you are as far away from home as he is. One finds in the reading that he misses home and his way of life there. The main thing that I got out of the story is the importance of a strong sense of who you are. Through Whitecloud’s imagery and thoughts, he lets readers know what makes him the round character he is. The story clearly starts while he is at school as he describes the night’s sky that distracts him while trying to study. “Moon and stars and clouds tipped with moonlight…against a fading sky I saw geese wedge southward…Now I try to study, but against the pages I see them again, driving southward. Going home.” After reading this, he seems to be missing what he considers home. This was extremely easy to relate to because I also constantly felt homesick earlier in the school year. He goes on to describe his home and my sense of his homesickness grew stronger from reading the descriptions of the scenery and activities he grew up with and his displeasure about not being there and missing out on them. In his descriptions of his native land, he also compares their way of life to mainstream societies. I would not go as far to say he has any animosity towards white society but he has certain issues with how whites conduct their lives. His first qualm about white’s values is how they
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