Bridge To Wiseman And Rsquo's Cove Play Analysis

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[Pick the date] |Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove | Mr Lietch | During the novel ‘Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove’ author James Maloney foregrounds a vast majority of social issues which include love, family and even preconceptions. These issues can position a person to question or have doubt about someone or something in life. James Maloney achieves this by using descriptive writing, emphasizing a situation and even positioning the reader to think differently about a situation by using similes and metaphors. Even though ‘Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove’ is just a novel, many of the issues are faced by civil humans in every…show more content…
But no matter what happens, nor how bad the situation is, by the end of the novel, everything seemed to resolve its self. This can apply in every day life. If you keep persisting and striving to go forward, the situation will no doubtly turn around in your favor. Whilst discussing the issues which were found in the novel, James Maloney also used many forms of literary techniques which helped emphasize a situation or even a character. He used descriptive writing and even juxtaposition which really helped the reader to paint a picture in their minds about a situation or a character in the novel. He uses all of these techniques in order to position the reader to sum up what they think about a situation/character and truly form their own ideologies. A novel which was written over 10 years ago is a novel which expresses every day problems which people can relate to and also solutions in difficult circumstances which can help humans in every day…show more content…
Rite of passage also portrays a sudden change or turning point in a situation. During the course of the novel the self conscious, awkward Carl matures and begins to stand up for himself. Consider the changes in Carl throughout the novel. Each time Carl starts to get a little more self-confident another secret is revealed and he slips back into his self-doubts. Take Beryl for example, Carl never has enough confidence and motivation to stand up to her for the way she treats Harley. It is only towards the end of the book where he finally stands up for himself and also Harley. Justine played a big role in this, because as Carl started opening up to her, he became more and more confident and self-assured. Beryl never took responsibility for the kids. “If you just stayed with him, Kept an eye on him, loved him, he wouldn’t get into trouble.’ It’s because of Beryl Harley gets into strife. She doesn’t care what he does and she doesn’t even look out for him or keep him out of trouble, she seems to dump the load of Carl. But other characters like Skips, Sarah and Kerry are held back from experiencing a rite of passage. Skips was prevented from for filling his career because of Carl’s grandfather. Kerry hasn’t completed her transition in being a mother. And
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