Bullying As True Drama By Danah Boyd And Alice Marwick: Article Analysis

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John Huang AP Lit&Comp, Pd.7 9/25/11 Title of the Article: Bullying As True Drama Source: The New York Times Author’s Name: Danah Boyd and Alice Marwick Date Published: September 22, 2011 Speaker: Danah Boyd and Alice Marwick Audience: Adults in general who have relations with children who may or may not be bullied or be the bully, Kids who have been either a victim of bullying or are the perpetrators Subject: Those who get bullied or are the bullies don’t have the independent strength to admit that they are being victimized or hurting others in the case of the bullies, and that adults need to form a program or a system that can help them grow to see that they are either a victim or the bully. Context: It’s on a newspaper so the authors are limited in space to write more about their opinion on bullying Argument: Adults…show more content…
Alice Marwick is a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research and a research affiliate at Harvard University.” An example of Pathos, if any: “The suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer, the 14-year-old boy from western New York who killed himself last Sunday after being tormented by his classmates for being gay, is appalling. His story is a classic case of bullying: he was aggressively and repeatedly victimized. Horrific episodes like this have sparked conversations about cyber bullying and created immense pressure on regulators and educators to do something, anything, to make it stop.” An example of Logos, if any: “In our research over a number of years, we have interviewed and observed teenagers across the United States. Given the public interest in cyber bullying, we asked young people about it, only to be continually rebuffed. Teenagers repeatedly told us that bullying was something that happened only in elementary or middle school. “There’s no bullying at this school” was a regular

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