CIA Torture Report Essay

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Why The CIA Torture Reports Matter The Senate Intelligence Committee just released a long awaited report on the CIA’s torture techniques after 9/11. The report has caused tension between the CIA, Congress, and The White House and there is some concern that the report’s release will spark more anti­American sentiment around the world. So what exactly is in this report? We all know that the CIA was authorized to torture suspected terrorists during this time period. But this newest report found that the CIA tortured more people in more brutal ways than previously admitted and that they got less information out of these interrogations than they led the public to believe. Detainees were kept in conditions compared to dungeons, deprived of sleep for…show more content…
The report concluded that CIA torture did not produce any information that led to lives being saved. The report also found that the entire program was mismanaged. The CIA contracted a company run by two psychologists to organize and orchestrate their torture program. These psychologists had no prior experience with interrogation techniques, no experience in counterterrorism, and did not even speak the language of the people they were in charge of interrogating. In exchange for setting and running their torture program, which has been called “sadistic and terrifying” by one member of the CIA, these contractors were paid $81 million dollars. The report also showed that the CIA trained and staffed their facilities with numerous soldiers who had previously admitted or were disciplined for sexual assaults, anger management issues or engaging in inappropriate interrogations. This led to various incidents of mistreatment including death and mistakenly torturing two CIA informants. In response to the report, the CIA released a rebuttal defending their use of torture. However, they also admit “mismanagement at multiple levels” and inflating the importance of some information gained through torture. Whether you agree with George W. Bush that torture is an effective way to protect your country or with Senator McCain who feels that torture does more harm than good, the facts of the report show that the CIA knowingly and I think purposely misled the public and the
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