Calx To Hollywood Rebecca Solnit Analysis

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In Books II: Halifax to Hollywood, she (Rebecca Solnit) took a great deal of time looking at 20th Century explosion and wars, along with the reaction of the people to it. While also leading up to how Hollywood portrays that in their movies and how (in)Accurate it may be. Something as major as a war or an explosion could easily change someones views from being all about god, and how he protects all, to now believing Survival of the Fittest. Movies could portray someones motives as being a 180 of what they really were, and Solnit looks at this compare and contrast seemingly through the pages, culminating towards the end on how things change for people in disaster. EXPLOSION In the morning of Dec 6, 1917, Gertrude Pettipas decided to look…show more content…
Le Bon moved to Paris to study medicine and wrote literature criticizing the world from different aspects down to a tee. He said that that South America more susceptible to revolution or terror “because these populations have no national soul and therefore no stability. A people of half-castes is always ungovernable.” (87) He believed that mindsets of people are deeply rooted in race and inherited mental states fall among the same category or line of…show more content…
“The preference upon the part of the refugee for plural leadership and decision” and “the resentment which succeeds the intrusion of strangers in relief leadership.” showed that people preferred to care for each other on their own instead then being instructed to do so, when they are left by themselves to do so. There always seems to be a sprinkling of the risk for belittling, or patronizing, for what makes them different. It removes the feeling of being civilized while caring for others that makes us act that way. “EMMA,” Emergency Managers Mutual Aid, born the fact that such services needed to be coordinated. Prince believed that the writings of a self-proclaimed “revolutionist” demonstrates that its the much more main- stream philosophy of a different era. James usually mentioned anarchists in his writings, and Dorothy was influenced by those kinds of in her youth and was one herself in many ways. It has been forgotten now, and it was never an ideology. Many anarchists would say that anything they pushed for or believed in always was for equality and liberty for all. They were not inventing anything new but reclaiming something ancient. This is why governments tend to fall apart, because people often want to come together freely and be themselves, rather then fit a mold that is presented for them. Hobbes foretold that it was a human condition that war fought by each against each, making it hard for anything good to come out of it, or learn
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