Canter's Behavior Management Cycle: a Case Study

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Canter's Behavior Management Cycle: A Case Study Lisa Furlong GCU Online EDU - 450 Professor Erika Hopson May 23, 2012 Disruptions are events that occur from misbehavior in the classroom setting. Some disruptions are: talking out of turn, being off task, sleeping, talking on cell phones, yelling, and holding individual conversations. Teachers have to make sure to manage all disruptions immediately and effectively. Any disruptions from misbehavior problems can be detrimental in the classroom environment. By allowing certain behaviors to occur without consequences the teacher is sending the message that it is okay. This can cause the students to lose focus and a decrease in understanding of the lesson being taught. It can also allow chaos to reign supreme. Disruptions can also make other students feel threatened. Students must feel safe and secure in their class in order to learn and grow in education. In order to control these types of behaviors the teacher must first recognize the misbehavior and handle it in a professional manner from the onset. Students learn from example as much as from example. Teacher set the example. They can do this by putting a stop to the disruption and using it as a learning experience for all the other students. By doing this students learn that actions have consequences. Disruptions can be handled in several ways. One way is Canter's Management Cycle. This method has been proven to work when used properly and consistently. Case Study Justin is a 10 year old student at Vernon Middle School in Leesville Louisiana. He constantly disrupts class through misbehavior. Justin comes from a dysfunctional family. His parents are divorced. Justin's parents share fifty-fifty custody. Therefore, he resides in each parents home for a week at a time. Justin's mother is a single mother with 3 boys, one of which is Justin's half brother,

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