Cause of World War 1

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THE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR ONE Name: 1. a. After examining one of the maps of Europe, explain whether Germany or Great Britain had the greater need for a strong navy. Germany had the greater need for a stronger navy. b. Explain why you chose this country. I chose Germany because it was surrounded by the Triple Entente (France, Russia, and Great Britain) meaning, if one goes on war with Germany, so does the others. Therefore, Germany needed a stronger navy to face the other countries. c. Based on the state of the arms race in 1914, if you were a German citizen, how would you feel? Explain why. I would feel proud, nervous, and a bit of confident. Germany has the second largest army making German citizens proud and confident. Since Germany is surrounded, land-locked by France and Russia which are opposing nations, you would always see the military and army carrying guns making me nervous because anything can happen at any time. d. Based on the state of the arms race in 1914, if you were a British citizen, how would you feel? Explain why. I would feel proud of our empire, safe because of our great naval army/force making it highly unlikely to be raided by other countries. I would feel honored because we have France and Russia as allies to aid us. 2. How did the naval arms race encourage the development of the alliance system the way it did? Be sure to refer to Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, as well as each of the alliance groups specifically. Britain had a strong navy due to its state of being an island country, having control over the oceans and being part of the Triple Entente including France and Russia. This encouraged Germany to increase its strength in navy because of the rivalry between Great Britain and Germany. Because of this, Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire allied themselves together, protecting them from Russia. Italy
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