Cave Of Ignorance In Plato's Republic

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Plato’s Republic Me, being a big fan of Socrates, have enjoyed reading this book and exploring the world of philosophy at the same time. Amongst three of the books we had to read, my personal favorite was Book 7 “Cave of Ignorance”, but Im not shunning others either. I have a good feel about what Socrates and Plato were trying to say, but I still have a feeling as if there is much more to their words than I can comprehend right away, it is definitely a book to study. Not to prolong anymore, I will start with book 2 and my comprehension of Socrates words about ethical principles involved. Book 2-“Ring of Gyges” Glaucon talks about the advantages of the injustice compared to the justice. He says and I certainly agree that unjust are treated with much more respect and valor than the just for unjust are capable of taking what doesn’t belong to them therefore creating wealth with which he can than be of use to his family, friends and acquaintances as well as being able to harm his enemies more. He can please gods with sacrifices, and gods will honor him for it. Unjust are happy and content while just are suffering. In an example he provides for us about a shepard and the ring he points to us that most everyone would’ve done the same, taken what isn’t rightfully his and those who wouldn’t would be looked upon and laughed…show more content…
Being that we’ve discussed this in classroom I do not want to take up too much time on it but rather put it in short what I believe Socrates thinks of this. I think that he was trying to tell us that we, as a society live in a cave and everything we see is a lie imposed on us by someone else or even because we choose so. He asks us to challenge things around us to go outside and see the real world, or reality. He was a rebel himself, and challenged everything for you can not know the world unless you ask questions, explore ask

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