Chanda's Secrets Character Analysis

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Nasrun Nahar English 20th Dec. 2011 Title is not effective and why? “Chanda’s Secrets” written by Allan Stratton is an outstanding example of novel which mainly brings the fact about AIDS to the light. But I think the title is not appropriate. This novel is not center of attention about one individual topic. It is focused on various topics but the title “Chanda’s Secrets” gives idea about only Chanda, not the others. The novel is about several people’s secrets, courage, and a fatal disease AIDS and its effect and the condition of the society. A title should signify the whole theme of a novel but “Chanda’s Secrets” doesn’t do this. So it can’t be an effective title. At first, Chanda is not only the person with secrets. Firstly,…show more content…
AIDS is like a curse in Bonang. Whoever affected by AIDS in Bonang society, they scared to share with others like Chanda’s mother , Jonah, Sara, Esther, Esther’s parents and Emmanuel among of everyone know they have AIDS, but they didn’t share. Esther said “So live in silence, hiding behind the curtain. Not just protect yourself, to protect the ones you love, and the good name of tour ancestors. Dying is awful. But even worse is dying alone in fear and shame with a lie” (35). They didn’t hide, because of not to defend themselves, but to defend to family. In Bonang every people took AIDS very seriously and neglected the people who had AIDS. They did allow living the AIDS affected people in society, but they neglected them and stayed away from them. There were bad remoras about AIDS in Bonang society. If anyone shared this thing they lost everything, but if they kept in mind it killed that person gradually. Writer clearly shows AIDS in some characters, but the effect was vague. We have to analyze the effect and how much is painful for AIDS affected

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