Change In Macbeth

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How do the audiences feelings towards Macbeth change in the first two acts? Over the first two acts the audience's opinion of the protagonist Macbeth dramatically changes. His character is displayed in many diferent mannors, which creates an air of confusion throughout the audience. I think when Shakespere wrote the play he did so the make the audience question their opinion of the eponymous which gives a feeling of tension from the moment his character changes. With in the opening couple of scenes the audience does not meet Macbeeth himseslf. However they get a impressive initial opinion of him through the other characters. 'The Bloody Captain' enters and tells the King and his subjects ( including the audience ) of Scotlands successful…show more content…
This could possibly be the betrayl of a friendship for power. In the remainder of the scene the audience see Ross and Angus enter and tell Macbeth that due to his triumphant battle he is to be known forth as the Thane of Cawdor. This confuses Mabeth as it happens just after his encounter with the witches so much so he questions his fellow lords of the statement they made as up untill this point he belives that the late late Thane is alive. "Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor:" This makes the audience think about what is going to come if the first of the witches predictions comes ture, this is also pointed out by Macbeth himself which makes the audience feel even more uneasy about Macbeths future actions. Macbeth then turns to Banquo to ask his opiion and recive accpetance from him, this would see through MAcbeths excitment see a plot building and a worry for the king "Do you not hope your children shall be kings, When those that gave the Thane of Cawdor to…show more content…
To the audiance it can almost seem as he was pushed into this for love of his wife, who may be the power hungry one in the relationship. Is he regretting what he has done? Has he made a mistake? Yet alas he cannot turn back time and I think this reads straight across to the audience. The penultimate scene of this act, is the point where the death of the king is disvoverd and the news is broken. There is panic throughout the house, and this perculiar news creates suspision within Banquo that is was Macbeth. The audience almost feels tension for Macbeth, will he be discoverd of will it stay a secret. They go on a journey with Macbeth during this scene which creates a bond link connection so much so they love to hate Macbeth but feeling to do both consecutivly. He begins to act irrationally, which makes the audience fear for him when they should be hoping that that he get caught red handed. "...There the murderers, Steeped in the colours of their trade; their
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