Character Analysis: Drown

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Drown Draft #1 In the book Drown, the narrator says “You watch anything long enough and you can become an expert at it. Get to know how it lives, what it eats…when I’m fifty this is how I’ll remember my friends: tired and yellow and drunk.” These quotations were used by the narrator to describe the relationship between him and his friends. In the first chapter of the book the narrator Yunior spends most of his time with his older brother Rafa. Their relationship in this chapter is not friendly at all. On page 5 of the page the narrator describes how things were back in the capital and how Rafa only hung out with his friends and barely paid any attention to Yunior. The only time he really talked to Yunior was when he was insulting…show more content…
Yunior and his mother seem to have a good mother-son relationship she always was nice to him and took care of him like a normal mother. The same can’t be said about his father. Yuniors dad was a strict father. He never wanted Yunior to eat before they were leaving somewhere in the car because he got carsick and threw up in his dads car. On page 25 and 26 the narrator shows how his dad reacts when he finds out Yunior had eaten when they were about to leave, “Papi turned to me. Cono muchacho, why did you eat?...If you throw up, I won’t, I cried, tears in my eyes, more out of reflex than pain.” Yunior was scared to even look him in the…show more content…
In chapter 3 Yunior is older and he has a roommate named Cut and a girlfriend name Aurora. He has a good relationship with Cut because he lives with him and they sell drugs together. Aurora’s relationship with Yunior is somewhat confusing because at times it seems they she likes him and other times it doesn’t. On page 48 this line shows how they are together when everything between them is fine, “She meets me at the door of the utility room…..I shut the door behind us and we kiss, once, on the lips, but she keeps them closed first-date style”. In Chapter 4 the narrator describes how his life is before he and Rafa were sent to the campo. He lived with Rafa, his mother and grandfather. He and Rafa had a good relationship with their grandfather because if they ever got in trouble with their mother he would always go easy on them by not making them go through to punishment their mother gave them. During this chapter their mother is working long hours just to take care of her children. At one point she goes into a state of shock and depression because Yuniors father told her he was coming home to see them but he never showed up. This made their mother sad and she left to live with her other relatives for a while. When she came back she acted like she had a lot of feelings built of inside her and they were waiting to burst

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