Choosing War vs. an Unwinnable War

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Choosing War vs. An Unwinnable War The Vietnam War and its effects were and still is a topic that is greatly debated. It was probably the longest lasting and the most costly war in the United States History. The people or persons present during that time period would agree that it was a war of great cost financially, many lives was lost, and that is to be regretted . In this paper I am going to compare the Choosing War by Fredrik Logevall and An Unwinnable War by Robert K. Brigham. Both of these essays show the history behind the war and the reasons of why it took place and why it should not have transpired. Fredrick’s Logevall convincingly argues in his essay Choosing War that the Vietnam War was a choice and not a necessary war to fight for the United States and how it could have been avoided. In his book, Logevall agrees that the Vietnam War is a significant part of our history that had huge impact on our nation and should not have occurred. He begins his essay by describing the events that took place in the beginning of the war. In this essay, Logevall communicates to us his philosophies that the Vietnam War was an error of judgment. As a final and critical point for Logevall, he states that the war could have been prevented and was a horrible choice for the United States to choose escalation of the war. Logevall begins his essays with the events and time period that led up to the Vietnam War and the significance of this occurrence. He expresses that this era is of most important to the involvement in Vietnam by America and the significance of the American involvement is clear in retrospect and cannot be doubted. Logevall felt that Vietnam was a daily discussion that was of top urgency. President Johnson’s Americanization of the war became difficult to understand writes Logevall because of the isolation of the United States on the war among

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